How Do I Get Fast – A quiz!

Find the best speed training ideas and gear for you with this slightly less-than-scientific route to reaching your maximum velocity.
So you wanna go fast huh? But what kind of fast? The type of speed you’re looking for requires dedicated training — and high-performance footwear. Read these questions and mark down your answers. Based on your preferences, we’ll help find the right training and gear for you.
How are you fueling the perfect machine that is your body?
A) Would you deny Michelangelo his marble slab?
B) Carbs: I’m a magician that turns pasta into feats of greatness.
C) I had a pretty big burger like a few hours ago I guess. -
Which quote encapsulates your undying love of speed?
A) “America is all about speed. Hot, nasty, badass speed. – Eleanor Roosevelt” – Talladega Nights
B) “There is more to life simply than increasing its speed.” – Mahatma Gandhi
C) “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.” – Mario Andretti

Workout time is approaching… fast. How do you prep?
A) Find the crunchiest, nastiest, hardest playlist known to man.
B) I plan out my run route, visualizing where I’ll push the pace.
C) I put on my shoes, which you promised this quiz would help me find. -
What’s the worst thing that could derail your workout?
A) This cretin next to me never learned how to re-rack.
B) Realizing the nearest bathroom is 5 miles away.
C) Whatever happens, I’ll deal with it -
If my legs could talk, they would say
A) “I move more plates than a dishwasher.”
B) “Call me Miles Davis. Or Kilometers Davis, if we’re outside the U.S.”
C) We’re not on speaking terms after what I put them through.
If you answered mostly A:
- Coleslaw, pizza cheese, and you all have one thing in common. You’re absolutely shredded.
- Translate your strength into speed with high intensity workouts in the Hyperion Tempo.

If you answered mostly B:
- You’re not afraid to go the distance. What you are afraid of is running a marathon unprepared. Also chafing.
- Take advantage of your willingness to commit in long threshold workouts in the Hyperion Elite 3.

If you answered mostly C:
- You’re ready to throw yourself into any challenge. Any time, any distance, in any condition —like the postal service, except fast.
- Throw yourself into some speed play while wearing the Hyperion Max.

So how do you feel about yourself? Do you have what it takes to become a speed demon? Or perhaps a lesser speed ghoul? Whatever your speed goals, we have the shoes to help you find your best run.
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