Get to know our factory partners
To create our best-in-class running shoes and gear, we partner with factories around the world that demonstrate expertise in their craft. These factories and the tens of thousands of highly skilled people they employ make it possible to see our dream designs brought to life.

We believe in transparency
We have aligned with the Transparency Pledge, a pledge for apparel and footwear companies to publicly showcase their commitment towards greater transparency in the manufacturing supply chain. We publicly disclose our Tier 1 final-assembly and 80% (by $ spend) of Tier 2 material and component factories, which can be found here. We also contribute to the Open Supply Hub (OSH), a collaborative supply chain mapping platform. With this contribution, we support the expansion of transparency efforts in the footwear and apparel industry.
Our factories
The map below is annually updated to show all known factories in the Brooks manufacturing supply chain.

12 factories
Tier 1: Final assembly
USA 1, El Salvador 1, Taiwan 2, Vietnam 7, Indonesia 1
164 factories
Tier 2: Material and component manufacturing
USA 2, Guatemala 2, El Salvador 6, Honduras 1, China 55, Japan 2, Taiwan 30, Hong Kong 5, Vietnam 52, Indonesia 9
10 factories
Tier 3: Raw material processing
El Salvador 1, China 3, Taiwan 6
37 factories
Tier 4: Raw material cultivation
Mexico 1, El Salvador 1, China 13, Japan 8, Taiwan 13, Singapore 1
Tier 1 spotlight
We are proud to work with these footwear Tier 1 final-assembly factories, and want to give well-deserved credit to the people who make our products possible. Click below to find out more about them and why we sought them out as partners in our supply chain.